Friday, December 19, 2008


Who are you and what have you done with the reindeer?


Sunday, October 26, 2008

RI Trip

Tasha and Mommy are back from their trip to RI. Tasha had tons of fun, and we have loads of pictures to prove it. So, here goes...

Pumpkins anyone?

Hanging out in the pumpkin bin

Pumpkins and cheese anyone?

I'd scream too, do you see that freaky squash?

Tasha will save you!

One of these things is not like the other...

Cowboy up with Sierra

The applesauce-making victory dance with Grandpa.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

post drought and a cool dress.

Just waiting for my girls to get back from vacation...supposedly there will be some good pictures.

But, to at least break the small post drought, check out this beautiful costume dress that Kathleen Dougherty made.

Yes, I'm creating this post to link to the giveaway for the chance to win, but wouldn't Tasha just look adorable in this dress. (and 3T would be perfect for next Halloween)

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

also, thanks to Jinii for the link.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Massive Update

Here's a massive update of pictures to make up for the time off.

Teeth brushing, she really does love it.

Tasha loves swings. It's very hard to get her off. Notice that it got dark while she was on it.

Helping mommy dig potatoes

Eating artichokes and broccoli.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


The summer has been flying by. Sorry for the lack of posts.

Here's a few of the pictures we've taken, although we haven't taken too many lately. Tasha is walking and talking and is quite the handful now.

Today we had a Daddy-Daughter trip to McDonalds and the park. Tasha had great fun on the different slides, and is quite independent. She wasn't afraid to jump up on there even though there were a few older boys there.

Look! Tasha walking on water!

Hair everywhere!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tasha Video

Check out our family blog for a video I whipped up of Tasha.

Her newest cousin Isaac has been sick and recently had an operation and this video is of her hoping he gets better soon.

Barlow Family Blog Video of Tasha

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More Vacation Pictures

Mommy and Tasha examining something very interesting.

Tasha found a nice sitting rock at Longfellow's Wayside Inn.

Excited and pointing.

Not sure where this pouting pose came from.

3 Generations on a rock.

Monday, June 9, 2008

More Vacation Pictures

Sorry these are now a week old but we did take a bunch of pictures and Tasha is so cute. More to come...

Playing with Grandma's hat.

Hanging out at Longfellow's Wayside Inn. For some reason she loves benches.

Lunch at the Wayside Inn and a BIG plate of Mac and Cheese.

This is an interesting picture. She is with the twins who are her second cousins.(I think) We sat them down for Grandpa and Grandma to give them presents. Tasha had a little bag of cheerios that was confiscated just before the picture and she is expressing her displeasure. See - it's not all smiles and giggles.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Funny Video

Hilarious video of Tasha. (and Daddy asking probing questions)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Beach and fun at Grandpa's

The cutest picture on a small person's bench on Grandpa's porch.

Tasha was a little tentative about the water at the beach.

But, she did consent to touch it with her hands, but not her feet.

Playing dress up with Grandpa and Grandma

An interesting look

Tasha's attempt at an outfit befitting her superhero status.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Rhode Island Trip

Tasha is having a wonderful time visiting her grandparents in Rhode Island. She loves the attention and is quickly wrapping them around her little finger.
Yesterday we went to the Roger Williams Zoo which as everyone knows is in Providence, RI.

Checking out the Giraffe.

Giraffe checking us out.

Pretty excited about the Elephants!

Trying to catch the eye of the sheep.

Daring girl petting the sheep, even though the sign said "Pet at your own risk!"

Monday, May 5, 2008


Heading out for a morning jog. My what big feet you have!

Puppy in stroller. Check. One slipper on. Check. One dress shoe on. Huh?

The pretty brown dress.

Home alone with Daddy. I promise she was smiling the whole time, but this was the best picture of the hair.

Photoshop fun. I'm not great, but know enough to be just a little dangerous.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Growing up

Tasha just wants to grow up so fast and here are 3 great examples.

Here she is with Mommy's slippers on. She loves walking around with grown up shoes. (like most kids I think)

Here she is rewriting a program that I wrote so that it runs 3 times faster.

And then she rewired my pocket pc into a phone!