Sunday, October 26, 2008

RI Trip

Tasha and Mommy are back from their trip to RI. Tasha had tons of fun, and we have loads of pictures to prove it. So, here goes...

Pumpkins anyone?

Hanging out in the pumpkin bin

Pumpkins and cheese anyone?

I'd scream too, do you see that freaky squash?

Tasha will save you!

One of these things is not like the other...

Cowboy up with Sierra

The applesauce-making victory dance with Grandpa.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

post drought and a cool dress.

Just waiting for my girls to get back from vacation...supposedly there will be some good pictures.

But, to at least break the small post drought, check out this beautiful costume dress that Kathleen Dougherty made.

Yes, I'm creating this post to link to the giveaway for the chance to win, but wouldn't Tasha just look adorable in this dress. (and 3T would be perfect for next Halloween)

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

also, thanks to Jinii for the link.